Holy Week Devotionals – Tuesday, March 30
Connor Newsom


“The Predictions of the Future”
Matthew 24:1-14

Anxiety, Fear, Dread, Worry, Distress, Apprehension…those are not on anyone’s favorite list of feelings. On the contrary, they are linked to profound amounts of restlessness and concern.  We have experienced many versions of these thoughts and emotions over the past 12 months in our world. 

Now imagine if you were dropped into the Biblical scene found in Matthew 24.  You are hanging out with Jesus and watching all kinds of amazing miracles happen.  Jesus is healing and helping so many people. He is teaching a new way to live and love.  Then, rather quickly, he drops this overwhelming statement that the Temple which you just walked out of will be destroyed. 

What?! That does not make sense.  When? How? So many questions are running through your mind.  The disciples were scrambling to figure out what Jesus was predicting. I can only imagine they, like many of us, went into worry mode chasing one “rabbit” after another. 

Later they worked up enough courage to pull Jesus aside and question him about the plan to destroy the temple.  They wanted to know specifics on when all this was going to happen so they would be ready. Jesus responded by adding more to their concern by discussing deception, wars, famines, and earthquakes. Wow! I’m sure they were wide-eyed in amazement at what they were hearing.  But there was more: false prophets, lawlessness, hatred, betrayal, apostasy.

It is not very difficult to understand what the disciples were feeling with all this dreadful news. 

At this point, there was probably an unbelievable amount of anxiety and unease for the future. 

Jesus, however, did not leave them stressed with such disparaging thoughts of the future.  He clarified that such things must happen before the end is to come. 

And thankfully, Jesus does not leave us in such despair regarding the future either.  He gives us the rest of the story.  He tells us the end.  He does not say it will be easy.  But we are to persevere and stand firm in the truth.  The comforting news that anchors our hearts and minds is knowing that Christ is supreme and holds all things (Col. 1:16-17).

If you are struggling with worry or apprehension for the future, embrace and find peace in the truth that Jesus has overcome death and whatever kind of struggle that is before you (Phil 4:6-7).

Regardless of the future and the difficult circumstances we may face, as believers in Jesus Christ we have a hope that cannot be shaken.  We know how this story ends!

Join us for Easter at Green Acres Baptist Church in Tyler, Texas!  Info below: