December 14
Hannah Starr
“The Healing”

2 Kings 5:1-14; Revelation 22:1-2, 17

– Walter Ballou, Student Pastor

The only independent being, God, chose to limit Himself by coming to His creation in the form of a completely dependent human baby- it’s the miracle of Christmas. Jesus accepted dependence in His earthly life to be an example to us of our dependence on God. As you read the story of a valiant warrior who had to humble himself to accept help from a lowly prophet, think about whether you have the courage to trust the truth of the gospel with that child-like dependence on God to do for you what you cannot do for yourself.

Read 2 Kings 5:1-14

What had Naaman accomplished and what was his reputation? What obstacle could he not overcome with his own strength?

What were Elisha’s instructions and why might Naaman have been resistant to washing in the Jordan?

Read Revelation 22:1-2, 17

How do Elisha’s instructions parallel this reference to Jesus?

Maybe like Naaman, we think taking the Water of Life seems too easy.  Sometimes we let our pride keep us from depending on the all-powerful God who came as a helpless baby to show us our own helplessness. Spend some time thinking about times you try to depend on your own strength and wisdom instead of being dependent on God for what you need.


Join us for Christmas at Green Acres!  Info below: