A Note from Hixon Frank
Hixon Frank

Hey church!

Like the rating for a movie, this article is intended for mature audiences. Not for the same reasons you might find at a movie with this rating, but because this little note demands a reader be mature in their faith.

Sometimes God wants you to get unsettled, discontent, and maybe even angry.

For the purposes of this article, we will define Holy Discontent like Bill Hybels did 17 years ago….  “Holy Discontent” is found in that defining moment when your eyes open to something bigger than yourself and you just might hear God say, “Now you know how I feel.” That firestorm of frustration isn’t just yours, it’s His as well – and he wants you to focus your energy so that together, He and you can fix some problems that desperately needs fixing.”

In fairness, Scripture talks about being CONTENT in the station in life and grateful for the “blessings that God has chosen to give you or withhold from you”.  The apostle Paul declares he has learned to be content regardless of the circumstances.  

Philippians 4:10-11

10 I rejoiced in the Lord greatly because once again you renewed your care for me. You were, in fact, concerned about me but lacked the opportunity to show it. 11 I don’t say this out of need, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I find myself.

This contentment has to do with lifestyle and comfort and not with mission and obedience.  When God seems to be keeping you up at night because He wants you to do something about an injustice, a relationship, or a need, you are not content … far from it! It is bothering you! The more you try to be content, the more discontent you have become!  You are NOT struggling with your faith, in fact you have never felt closer to the Lord, but you are frustrated and concerned. After careful and honest reflection, you just can’t shake it! It isn’t your preference or your opinion … but you are 90% sure it’s your Heavenly Father telling you to “go” and “do.”  (Don’t wait to be 100% or you will never act.)

Opening our eyes is the challenge…

“Our greatest obstacle is Habituation! That is the term phycologists use to describe how we get used to things that are happening all around us. We normalize what used to traumatize.”  Jon Tyson

We get used to mass shootings, used to pornography, used to homelessness, used to marriages failing, used to the brokenness all around us. We hardly see it anymore and move forward like these things are the new normal. But God often intervenes and wakes us up to what grieves Him, and He gives us a Holy Discontent!

It happened when Nehemiah thought of the rubble that was Jerusalem.

It happened when Polycarp stood at his trial refusing to deny Jesus.

It happened when Martin Luther nailed 95 theses to the door of Wittenburg Castle Church.

It happened when William Wilberforce stood before parliament against the slave trade.

It happened when Rosa Parks refused to go to the back of the bus.

It happens when men decide to fight FOR their families and not WITH them.

It happens when we supernaturally FORGIVE and “turn the other cheek.”

It will happen when YOU act upon what God has told you because you can do nothing less!

To be clear, we live in a world of resistance… you will not make change, enact restoration, or make a difference if you are not first discontent with the status quo.

When determining if it is God who is calling you to do something, consider the following questions…

  1. IS IT BIBLICAL? Is it consistent with Scripture? Again, not our preference, opinion, or nostalgic…but God ordained. God will not call you to do something that clearly violates Scripture!God says to act to share the Gospel, thwart injustice, heal pain, comfort the lonely, reject legalism, stop abuse, and so many other things clearly spelled out in Scripture.Let’s take a family for example… Families are wonderful and difficult at the same time. But their complexity sometimes deteriorates into chaos. Sometimes families develop sin patterns whether, slander, abuse, anger, hypocrisy, control, pride, paganism, etc.… They develop unchecked over the years and have wreaked havoc as those traits are passed from generation to generation. It’s been bothering you for a while and you know God has asked you to intervene and “BREAK the generational curse” that has plagued your family. What are you going to do?

    Maybe you know of a friend who is being maritally unfaithful. It really bothers you and you believe God wants you to step in and quit pretending. God has prompted you “a million times” but instead you have listened to the Enemy whisper, “It’s none of your business,”  “You are not perfect either,” and “Think of the drama it will cause” and you back off. Will you act on your Holy Discontent?Maybe you know of someone who needs what you have. As I have said before, “Not everything God puts in your hands is for you.” Will you let go of the stuff you have that someone else needs?

  2. IS THIS THE RIGHT FIGHT?  You may have heard the saying, “You can’t kick every dog that barks at you!”  or “You can’t fight every fight you are invited to!” That is a good rule of thumb as you wrestle with what God would have you do! It may be the right fight at the wrong time. Or the wrong fight at the right time. Is what you are being stirred-up about the right fight?

  3. BE AWARE: We are easily deceived.They say, “The easiest person to deceive is the one who thinks they can’t be deceived.”

Our Enemy would have you discontent about things that are fleshly and not Godly.  The Bible says that Our Enemy is a Liar.

John 8:44

… He (the devil) was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he speaks from his own nature, because he is a liar and the father of lies.

Just because we are passionate about something doesn’t mean it is a Holy Discontent…  Sometimes we can be guilty of “fighting fights” that haven’t been fully and honestly vetted in our own spirit. All we know is that we “want what we want” and are willing to put Christian language on it to get it!  No prayer, no silence before the Lord, and no grace, just an acceptable way to get what we want!

We are all “fans” of something.  If you are ever with me and the conversation slows down to that awkward stage, just bring up one of the following…. marriage, family, prayer, classic cars, baseball, lacrosse, museums, tennis, history, college football, science fiction (good Sci-fi), 70’s and 80’s rock, and antiques … I will “light up” with any of those topics. I have strong opinions and am happy to share my thoughts with you! Ha!

But being interested in something doesn’t make it holy, and being upset about those things doesn’t make it a Holy Discontent! Is what you are fighting for from God… or for you?

I pray that you will be content in all things like Paul was. AND I pray that you will, with discernment and maturity, be open to what God might have you be DISCONTENT about!

By the time you read this I will have spent the week preaching/teaching at a Multi-church Family Camp in St. George, Florida. (tough assignment, I know 😉) and pursuing my own Holy Discontent.

Be blessed!
