A Note from Hixon Frank
Hixon Frank

Hey Church!

I Corinthians 9:24-27

Don’t you know that the runners in a stadium all race, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way to win the prize. Now everyone who competes exercises self-control in everything. They do it to receive a perishable crown, but we an imperishable crown. So I do not run like one who runs aimlessly or box like one beating the air. Instead, I discipline my body and bring it under strict control, so that after preaching to others, I myself will not be disqualified.

A buddy of mine, Bo McGowan, (or “Lieutenant Colonel Bo “Guvna” McGowan) flew F-16 Fighters in the Gulf War (1990-91). Like many fighter pilots, he told the best stories and could weave a tale like few others. Over lunch one day I asked him what it is like to fly a supersonic fighter like the F-16. He replied simply, “Incredible thrust, maneuverability and power.

That was it. No stories. No hair-raising tales of exploits during Desert Storm. 

So, I pressed a little and he went on to say, “flying the F-16 is the biggest rush imaginable.”  Then he opened up by walking through the countless hours of training all for a few seconds of heart pounding adrenaline surrounded by hours and hours of boredom. In flying real “missions,” you spend most of your time checking your systems, making sure the aircraft is performing properly, practicing the mission in your head, and checking your systems again. 

He went on to compare what I did, Discipleship Ministry, to what he did, flying jet fighters. While I appreciated the comparison, I didn’t really follow.

He explained that when you disciple people in their faith you also must clearly define the MISSION… just like we do. 

“Y’all have Connect Groups. We have ‘MISSION briefings.’ You have to explain how to accomplish the MISSION (that of growing in Christ) … y’all do that through Connect Groups.We do in MISSION briefings. Then you have to make sure everyone is prepared for the MISSION … just like we do. Then you have to execute the MISSION …. just like we do. Then you have to constantly evaluate the MISSION’S effectiveness… just like we do.”

“So really,” I overstepped with a grin, “I’m basically a fighter pilot!”

“Ha! Well, no … you aren’t, but you see where I am going …

“So… what is the biggest danger when flying a jet?”  I remember asking quickly to ease the awkwardness.

“For me,” he answered, “it was always MISSION drift. He continued to explain that MISSION drift is doing things so often that the things you do and how you do them become the MISSION rather than the reason you do them. It makes it more difficult to do things in the most effective way.

For a fighter pilot, it happens when we “keep doing the same things the same way in spite of conditions on the ground changing. MISSION drift prevents us from fully adapting to the realities of the war.

I’ve thought about that part of the conversation many times since then.   MISSION DRIFT, for our church, is doing the same things the same way and praying for revival. Doing the same things and hoping for growth, doing the same things and expecting God to move in the midst our refusal to change. A reason “revival tarries” is because we want to do what we have always done.

Back to Lt Col McGowan… “In a war situation, as Commanding Officers, the why is more important than the “what. Why are we taking out that bridge? Why are we providing close air support? Why are we patrolling those areas rather than that one? Knowing why allows the best practices to win out.

Lt Col. McGowan was a strong believer, often led small groups for me, and had spoken to our men on occasion. So, he understood what he was implying to me. The “why” in a church setting is more important than the “what.

Why do we gather to worship?
Why do we pray?
Why do we provide Bible studies on Sunday morning, Sunday Night, and Wednesdays?
Why all the fuss about Kids Ministry?, Students?, or Worship?
Why do we reach out to College Students and Young Adults?
Why an emphasis on Senior Adults?
Why is Marriage a big deal?
Why do we have a Safety Team?
Why Celebrate Recovery?
Why such large facilities?
Why do we emphasis Missions (both local and abroad)?
Why do we want as many women as possible at the Fall Friendship Dinner?
Why do we have an Early Education Center?
Why do we have such a robust Recreation and Sports Ministry?
Why do we try our best to fill up the Worship Center with people?
Why do we stress Baptism and Discipleship and Giving and Men’s Ministry and Godly Parenting and Community Engagement and an Online Presence and Social Media and Christian Concerts and Golf Tournaments and a professional staff?

Because our MISSION is to TRANSFORM LIVES WITH THE TRUTH OF JESUS.”  ALL of those ministries and events serve ONE PURPOSE… to support the MISSION!

If something we do doesn’t directly support the MISSION…then we are experiencing what Lieutenant Colonel McGowan (and others) calls MISSION DRIFT.

The “why” is equally important in our personal lives…
Why do I go to church?
Why do I serve?
Why do I love and protect our marriage?
Why do I encourage?
Why do I give?
Why do I teach?
Why do I… why do I … why do I?

Consider the answer to all of those question is (grossly oversimplified)… because I want to live my life in such a way as to “WIN.


Hey men!
Join me and (150 or so) other men for BREAKFAST on Thursday Sept 19th at 6:45am in Crosswalk C! It will only cost you $5 and we will feed you breakfast tacos, coffee, and BACON!!!! Then get you out by 7:45! Josh Thompson, Phil Caturan, and Dr John Roach will share encouraging words with us! Bring a buddy!

Click the image below to register. Registration ends Monday night. 

You are loved and have been prayed for,
