A Note from Hixon Frank
Hixon Frank

Hey Church!

Matthew 28:

18 Jesus came near and said to them, “All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

One of my favorite songs goes like this…

“What if what they say is true?
What if You fed five thousand?
What if You calmed the sea?
Can You calm me?

What if what they say is true?
What if You walked on water?
What if You healed disease?
Can You heal me?

I don’t want to believe it
And I don’t want to receive it
Why would you do anything for me?

What if what they say is true?
What if You rose on Easter?
What if You conquered the sea?
Can You conquer me?

Your life to conquer death
And I’m asked to walk my steps with You
Can You stop the pain that covers me?

What if what they say is true?
What if You came to love me?
What if You heard me say…
I love You too
I love You too
I love You too”

(Eli Morris, 1981)

… and so go the lyrics to this staple in Young Life Clubs across the country. It poses a simple question to believers and skeptics alike.

What if the claims of Jesus are actually true? I mean REALLY TRUE! Healing the sick, raising the dead, restoring relationships, granting peace in chaos, giving hope, saving the lost…what if it is ALL TRUE?

Of course, it is true!” you may be thinking with a smirk …

After all, you have been a church member most of your life. You have even taught a Connect Group or been on mission trips, or given money, or heard 100’s of sermons, or chaired a committee, or served the church as deacon, or worked with kids, or done a dozen other worthwhile and important things…

… but remember, there are CONSEQUENCES TO BELIEF!  If indeed the Bible is true, then it requires us to conform our lives to it.


The peace that passes understanding in Philippians 4:7. Who doesn’t love that?”

The hope in the midst of grief like in 1 Thessalonians 4:13

The forgiveness of sins (Luke 1:77, et al.)

The joy (Psalm 32:1) … the acceptance (Ephesians 1:5) … the comfort (2 Corinthians 1:4) … the SALVATION (John 3:16) !!!!




Ya know the part about loving your neighbor in Mark 12:33?   … ya gotta do that!”

Praying for your enemies in Matthew 5:44 “yep…that too!”

Forgiving those who have wronged you (Mark 11:25) … mmmmhmmm.”

Helping the orphans and the widows (James 1:27) Yep!”

Turning the other cheek (Matthew 5:39) An important mark of a mature believer!

Giving generously (2 Corinthians 9:7)  Where your treasure is…”

Making disciples (Matthew 28:19) Intentionally helping someone grow in their faith!

Then that verse in James (4:10) about humbling ourselves Ugh!”

Can’t grumble anymore (Philippians 2:14)  Well, that seems like a stupierr…um… terrific idea!” 😉

Can’t gossip or slander people (2 Corinthians 12:20) . But did you hear what they did?”

We put away bitterness and anger (Ephesians 4:31) Let it go!” ❄️

Loving your neighbor (Matthew 19:19) … Even THAT neighbor!”

Praying without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17)  We have access to the Father 24/7!”

Suffering as a “good soldier” (2 Timothy 2:3) is part of our journey and testimony!”

I know this article is a bit unorthodox this week, but it is based on the core belief that: we live according to our beliefs, all of the time” (Or certainly the vast majority of the time).

QUESTION: If you never were able to tell someone else what you believe with your mouth … what would they say you believed just by observing your actions? In truth, our behavior is a much better indicator of what we really believe than what we say.

What if the Bible is indeed God’s Word and is true? Would your life have to change much to align with it?  For most of us, the answer is clear.

I have wrestled with the answer for my own life and have, I must admit, some changes to make….

How ’bout you?

THIS SUNDAY Pastor Michael will continue our series in Philippians, In Christ. We will study Philippians 2:1-11 and learn about “Unity in Christ.” It is going to be another great Sunday to gather together as we worship, see new believers, and continue to serve Him faithfully!  

Feeling unprepared or unqualified to share the gospel? What if you have more opportunities to have intentional gospel conversations? Would you like to be motivated with joy and freedom that can be found when sharing God’s story to the people He brought to your life? Join us on September 25, 2024, 6:30 PM in Crosswalk A. Kevin Philipps the President and Founder of For All Mankind Movement (FAMM) will help us unpack how to share the gospel anytime, anywhere! Click the image above to register. 


Your friend,
