A Note from Hixon Frank
Hixon Frank

Hey Church,


One of the greatest joys of Ministry is when you sit across from someone who has recently come to faith in Jesus. Whether a child or an adult, they are often “bright eyed and bushy tailed!”  They may show trepidation and uncertainty, but they know that a new life has begun. It is exciting when anyone comes to Christ! The “angels rejoice!

Luke 15:7
I tell you, in the same way, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who don’t need repentance.

But nowhere is that more rewarding, in my estimation, than when grown men come to faith.  When God breaks the heart of a lost man and brings that man to Himself!

If we are honest …

The Christian man is a “punchline” in our culture. We are portrayed as either a “Toxic Extremist” or “Elmer Fudd.” Meanwhile, we are told there is no difference between men and women, that masculinity is a social construct, and ultimately that men are unnecessary. When was the last time you saw a show, movie, or read an article where the Christian man was strong, kind, and just? The source of inspiration? In some ways, I am sure, we have earned that stereotype…

A snapshot of Men and Church…

  • The typical U.S. Congregation draws an adult crowd that’s 61% female, 39% male. This gender gap shows up in all age categories. (US Cong. Life Study 2003)
  • On any given Sunday there are 13 million more adult women than men in America’s churches. (Barna)
  • The percentage of men who have been unfaithful to their wives is very close to the percentage of non-Christian men. 
  • This Sunday almost 25 percent of married, churchgoing women will worship without their husbands. (Lifeway)
  • Midweek activities often draw 70 to 80 percent female participants. (Barna)
  • Over 70 percent of the boys who are being raised in church will abandon it during their teens and twenties. Many of these boys will never return. (Lifeway)
  • As of June 2022, 36 percent of women say they went to church last week (either in person or online) whereas only 24 percent of men did. (Gallup)
  • Christian universities are becoming convents. The typical Christian college in the U.S. enrolls almost 2 women for every 1 man. (Christianity Today, 2022)

Speaking for men and perhaps even confessing the obvious…. Many of us are stubborn and guarded. We fear failure and posture as though we never have. We hide behind sarcasm and aggression. We carry shame and have no one to share that with. We can be highly motivated at work to accomplish great things at work and in the community but can be spiritually apathetic at home. We are capable of unspeakable cruelty, boundless hypocrisy, and calloused indifference. We are often slaves to our compulsions and have the ability to compartmentalize our sin in ways that allow us to sleep well at night.  This may be what the Bible calls “hardening our hearts” in (Romans 2:5, Hebrews 3:8, Proverbs 28:14)


When God captures our hearts and gives us the unction to “work out our salvation” …

… we are capable of great MERCY, of demanding JUSTICE, of PROTECTING the weak, of DEFENDING the wronged, of demonstrable COMPASSION. We can channel our ferocity towards GOOD WORKS and SERVANT LEADERSHIP in our families. We can become the SPIRITUAL SHEPHERDS at home rather than handing that over to our wives.  We can live a life of HUMILITY and SELF-DENIAL.

Phil 2:12
Therefore, my dear friends, just as you have always obeyed, so now, not only in my presence but even more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.

This idea of “work out your own salvation,” is that we allow it to impact every part of our lives! Our homes, our work, our relationships, our character, etc… Salvation impacts how we treat others, how we share Jesus with others, how we are when no one else is looking. It is life changing… when we allow it to be.

Quick illustration: Last weekend, Margie and I taught at a marriage conference. In preparation for it, we asked our kids certain questions about how we raised them etc., the good, the bad, and the ugly. What worked, what didn’t, etc… One of our daughters, in what I took as a supreme compliment said, “y’all were sure to live your faith more than you talked about it.” She went on to say, “It doesn’t matter if you have verses on the fridge and crosses on the wall if you don’t live it.” 

What is true for parenting, is true for all of us!  It doesn’t matter if we “receive Jesus but never allow our salvation to “work itself out in us.”  We would be like the cross on the wall of the lost family! 

To be honest, I don’t know if this article is intended to chastise or build up… perhaps it is a little of both.


  • Our male Staff led with great humility and kindness … EVEN MORE!
  • Our Deacon body prayed for wisdom, grace, and unity … EVEN MORE!
  • Every male volunteer saw what they do as essential for reaching people with the Gospel… EVEN MORE!
  • We demanded an end to grumbling, gossip, and slander… EVEN MORE!
  • When we worship, we worship the God of the Universe, Who is worthy of our worship!EVEN MORE!
  • We lead our families to place a high priority on Spiritual things … EVEN MORE!
  • When we give, we give as though the God of the Universe was the one responsible for our ability to give anything at all… EVEN MORE!

I want to live for Jesus … EVEN MORE! 

How bout you?

On October 24, from 6-8pm, join Pastor Michael for the Men’s Cookout & Bonfire at the Green Acres Retreat Center.  If you’re a man… you need to be there.  Register HERE.  

We want to see you Sunday!  God is moving in our midst, and you do NOT want to miss it!  Pastor Michael will continue our series in Philippians, In Christ. We will study Philippians 2:1930 and learn about “Serve In Christ.” It is going to be another great Sunday to gather together as we worship, see new believers, and continue to serve Him faithfully!  
