A Note from Michael Gossett
Dr. Michael Gossett

Voting as a Christian

Many people are discussing the role of Christians in voting. Let me start with a foundational truth: What matters most is who Christians belong to today and for all eternity. 1 Peter 2:9 says, “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his possession, so that you may proclaim the praises of the one who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.This is what it means to be a Christian. Christians are chosen by God and live for God no matter what circumstances, political chaos, persecution, or difficulty they may or may not face. Peter goes on to give important instructions. 1 Peter 2:11-12 says, “Dear friends, I urge you as strangers and exiles to abstain from sinful desires that wage war against the soul. Conduct yourselves honorably among the Gentiles, so that when they slander you as evildoers, they will observe your good works and will glorify God on the day he visits.

This helps us understand our role in every aspect of life. Because we belong to Christ, it is our aim to make much of Christ in living and in voting. This must serve as the primer that undergirds everything a believer does on this side of eternity as we pursue righteousness in anticipation of the coming of Christ. Whether we like it or not, every person in America must come to terms with how they will deal in this world politically. Some believe they should simply put their head down and let the cards fall however they may. This is not advantageous for the believer to live such a presumptuous lifestyle. As believers, we are called to actively point others to Christ. Closing the shade on the window while a storm is brewing will not make the storm disappear. On the other hand, others work tirelessly toward promoting a particular political agenda, pretending it is the supreme authority over the world. Let us not make this mistake. Whether or not your candidate sits in the Oval Office, Jesus will remain on the throne. Neither of these extremes is helpful as we think through our Christian responsibility in voting.

Government is an institution created by the Lord Himself for His purpose here on earth. It is firmly established in scripture that Christians are to obey this authority and honor government. Politics, in essence, is a tool for shaping society and interacting with one another. Actions by the government have a profound impact on daily life andtherefore, should stand as a reason for Christian involvement.

In the midst of this, our greatest focus should be: How can I make Christ known in my participation? This is the question that you and I must wrestle with constantly but certainly in times of elections. Christians should lead the way in voting because making Christ known is a role that we take very seriously. This does not mean that if our candidate wins then our candidate will make much of Christ, but it does mean that we vote in line with the greatest policies that uphold the Lord’s expectations in the land. This is where Christians can disagree. Some believe that a Democratic ticket upholds the Lord’s commands in caring for the poor, taking care of refugees, or spreading wealth more evenly. Others believe that a Republican ticket will shape society in a way that is more in line with God’s word because of their traditional stance on the sanctity of life, moralism, and less government-driven interference. Remember that your neighbor may think differently than you, but you can still love them to the same degree that the Lord expects and commands of Christians. We are to love our neighbor as ourselves, not just the neighbors who align with us politically or socially.

With that being said, it does not mean that you must cower to disagreement. We are called to disagree charitably. Disagree in a manner that is still honoring to the Lord. Disagree with someone and still be able to share the love of Christ with them. One of the driving factors for most Christians comes down to one elephantsized issue—the sanctity of life. I know that we do not have a perfect candidate to vote for in this race. All men and women are created in the image of God, and all men and women require Jesus to save them from their sins – including you and me. However, there is only one candidate who is willing to abort babies, even in the last trimester or worse. I, for onewill not vote for any candidate that does not stand for life. I am not telling you who to vote for, but I am telling you that there is a glaring difference between the two presidential candidates in this matter (among many other matters).

So, what do we do? We vote with this in mind. We pray for God’s will. We pray that our church be a city on a hill and a light that cannot be hidden. We pray for God’s mercy. We pray for revival. We must humble ourselves and get on our knees. We pray for those in office currently at the local, state, and national level, and we worship the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Even if political chaos ensues, we still have a clear mission at hand for a Kingdom that is everlasting of which we are citizens. Praise God that He is on the throne!

I want to invite you to join my wife, Katie, and me on a journey of a lifetime. We are going back to visit the sites primarily focused on Paul’s second missionary journey,October 26-November 4th, 2025. I have mentioned these sites in my sermons from Philippians because it was on Paul’s second missionary journey that the Lord brought him to Philippi. However, there is much more on this trip! Here is the itinerary of all the places we have planned to visit.


DAY 1 (OCT 26): BEGINNING OF YOUR TOUR: Depart from DFW for an overnight flight to Thessaloniki, Greece.  Bus to/from DFW is included in the price.

DAY 2 (OCT 27): INTO THE FOOTSTEPS OF PAUL: Arrive in Thessaloniki. Meet with the guide and transfer to the hotel. Dinner and overnight in Thessaloniki.

DAY 3 (OCT 28): THESSALONIKI/KAVALA/PHILIPPI: Begin the day traveling near the port of Kavala, where Paul landed with his disciples, Timothy and Silas. This port was also a destination for Luke the evangelist when he sailed from Troas. See a Byzantine castle, the Roman Aqueduct, and the ruins of an acropolis. Follow the Via Egnatia, a remnant of Rome’s highway system, viewing Roman and Greek tombs. Next, stop in Philippi, where Paul preached his first evangelical sermon and sowed the seeds of Christianity. Among the ruins located on the rocky ledge above the town’s main road is the prison into which Paul and Silas were thrown. Meander down the riverbank to the site of Lydia’s baptism, the first baptism on European soil. Return to Thessaloniki, where Paul planted a church that would later receive two New Testament epistles. Visit one of the most beautiful basilicas in the city, St. Demetrius. Dinner and overnight in Thessaloniki. Lunch included. 

DAY 4 (OCT 29): THESSALONIKI/BEREA/KALAMBAKA: In the morning, spend time in the ancient city of Thessaloniki. Explore the ruins of the Roman Forum and see the Rotunda. View the triumphal Arch of Galerius and continue along the waterfront to the massive White Tower. Next, travel to Berea (Veria) to see the ancient bema, where Paul spent many hours sharing the Gospel. Head south to view the awe-inspiring rock formations of Meteora. Dinner and overnight in Kalambaka.

DAY 5 (OCT 30): METEORA/THERMOPYLAE/ATHENS: Take in the striking monasteries of Meteorathat seem to hang in the air, crowning the summits of these pinnacles with their wooden galleries and corniced rooftops. Dangerously hanging over the stunning abysses, these primitive dwellings compose one of the most fascinating sites on earth. A special treat awaits with a visit to one of these timeless monasteries to see the exquisite specimens of Byzantine art on display. Journey through the amazing countryside, taking in the beauty of Greece. Stop at the mountain pass of Thermopylae, the location where the Greeks victoriously fought for their freedom during the Greco-Persian wars in 480 BC. See the statue of Leonidas, king of the Greek city-state Sparta. Continue to Athens for dinner and overnight.

DAY 6 (OCT 31): ATHENS/LAVRIO/MYKONOS: Begin the day with a drive to the Port of Lavrio and step aboard The Discovery to start a 4-day Greek Islands cruise. Spend the afternoon exploring the Island of Mykonos, world-renowned for its lovely windmills, small cobblestone streets, and countryside. Return to the ship for dinner and overnight. Lunch included onboard.

DAY 7 (NOV 1): EPHESUS, TURKEY/PATMOS, GREECE: Step off the ship at Kusadasi and into nearby Ephesus, Turkey, Asia Minor’s greatest archeological site. This Greek and Roman city has been remarkably preserved. Step along the broad marble where Paul walked. Gaze at the Temple of Artemis (Diana), the Temple of Hadrian, and The Celsus Library. Marvel at the massive theater where Paul was opposed for speaking boldly about Christ. In the afternoon, enjoy cruising aboard The Discovery to the island of Patmos, built on a mass of volcanic rock. The island marks the site where the apostle John was exiled. Visit the Monastery of St. John and the cave where he received the vision he recorded in the book of Revelation. Return to the ship for dinner and overnight. Lunch included onboard.

DAY 8 (NOV 2): CRETE/SANTORINI: Arrive in Crete, the largest of the Greek Islands and the cradle of the Ancient Minoan Civilization. This island is where the Apostle Paul spent time as he was being transported to Rome as a prisoner and where Titus remained to help the churches. Take a leisure walk through Heraklion, the capital of Crete, and enjoy the shopping and local culture. Board The Discovery for an afternoon cruise to the famous island of Santorini, formed by the half-submerged crescent of a volcanic caldera. Perched atop high cliffs, savor the island’s breathtaking views from Oia. Dinner and overnight on the ship. Lunch included onboard.

DAY 9 (NOV 3): ATHENS/CORINTH: Early morning arrival in Athens to begin the day’s excursion. Proceed to Corinth through the Bay of Salamis and the Saronic Gulf. This city was home to the apostle Paul for over a year and inspired two of his most familiar letters. Spend time at the Corinthian Canal, then tour the ruins of this ancient city. Return to Athens to view the world-renowned Acropolis and marvel at the ancient glory of the Parthenon, built 2400 years ago. Gather at Mars Hill, where Paul addressed the intellectual men of the most informed city of the time, pleading for the cause of Christianity. Dinner and overnight in Athens. Lunch included. 

DAY 10 (NOV 4): ATHENS/USA: Transfer to Athens airport for your return flight to the USA with your heart full of memories from spectacular views and unforgettable experiences.

Come and join us on this incredible trip! You can sign up here! Space is limited, so please sign up as early as possible. Register HERE.


THIS SUNDAY! We continue our series in Philippians, In Christ. This week we are going to study Philippians 3:12-21 and the title is, “Pursuing the Goal.” We have a clear goal in this life and Paul makes it abundantly clear for us. I look forward to you joining me in worship this Sunday at 9:30 or 11:00. I also want to invite you to try a Connect Group if you have not yet done so. We have Connect Groups at 8:00, 9:30 or 11:00. I hope to see you Sunday!


On October 24, from 6-8pm, I hope that you will join me for the Men’s Cookout at the Green Acres Retreat Center.  Guys, invite your coworkers, neighbors, and friends! Register HERE.  


If you have just recently joined our church or are considering church membership, this class is for you! It is designed to give you a better picture of who we are as a church family. Together, we want you to have a clear understanding of our mission, vision, and values here at Green Acres. For families with children ages birth to elementary, you are welcome to check your children in with Kids’ Ministry. Register HERE.


You are loved and prayed for!

Michael Gossett