Love That Shares – Michael Gossett
Dr. Michael Gossett

If we truly love our neighbor, we shall without a doubt share with him or her the good news of Jesus.

Matthew 13 : 1-9  

Pastor Michael Gossett


How can we possibly claim to love our neighbor if we know the gospel but keep it from them? We are called to share the Good news of Christ with our neighbors. All of our neighbors. As a Christian, I cannot deny how much I long for my neighbors to know what I know: Jesus Christ is Lord. We’ve been made to know and love God. All of us fall short and deserve eternal punishment. But God, in His love, made a way of escape. The Father sent the Son into the world. Jesus lived a perfect life and, therefore could die as a perfect sacrifice in the place of all who would turn and trust in him. His resurrection proves he really is the King of Kings, and now all are called to follow him. This is the gospel, it’s the heart of my life, and it’s what I want my neighbors to hear and believe. This is not the only goal of good neighboring, but it is the end goal. I appreciate how Willis and Clement make this point: Clearly, the aim of hospitality and loving your neighbor is more than merely inviting someone into our home, sharing a good meal and a few stories, and calling it a night. We are missionaries, after all. Paul reminded us, “We are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us” (2 Corinthians 5:20). And pastor Charles Spurgeon said, “Every Christian . . . is either a missionary or an imposter.” I want to share Christ with anyone and everyone that crosses my path. However, I want to be especially faithful with those God has planted in my life. These are my nearest neighbors, and I have a unique responsibility to show them Christ. Furthermore, I don’t want to be a beast in the pulpit but a coward in my neighborhood! I’m sure you don’t either. A display of Loving Your Neighbor is throwing the seed to allow the Lord to work. Your job is not to save your neighbor, your job is to share what you have already been given in Christ (the seed) and to share with your neighbor.


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Green Acres Baptist Church

//Transforming Lives With The Truth Of Jesus\\