Job Openings

New Member Coordinator

The Adult Ministry is looking for the next New Member Coordinator, a part-time role (up to 29.5 hours/week). Key duties include overseeing baptisms, new member administration, managing related records, and helping members get involved in church activities. Strong organizational and interpersonal skills are essential.

Childcare Staff

We are looking to hire for several positions including daytime and evening shifts to care for and teach children in our pre-school ministry. This is a part-time position. Candidate would work anywhere from 10-29.5 hours a week depending on current needs and availability. Ideal candidate would have experience in childcare and/or teaching.

Early Education Center Preschool Teacher

The EEC is looking for Preschool Teachers in our Early Education Center! The Early Education Center is open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm. Teachers would work afternoons, 25-30 hours per week and have a great love for children and teaching them about Jesus. Applicants must be 18 years old and have a high school diploma or equivalent. Please inquire by emailing Marla at

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