Click below to see our local outreach partners and how you can get involved!

Bethesda Clinic
Bethesda Health Clinic
(903) 596-8353 

Bethesda Health Clinic was founded in 2003 to help hard-working, uninsured East Texans (18+) receive affordable Dental and medical healthcare. We are a 501c3 nonprofit that accepts $0 in state or federal funding. We are 100% community supported and thrive from the generosity of medical volunteers, churches, individuals and businesses.


In need of ALL medical professional and student volunteers

Standing Service Opportunities:

  • High demand for those specialized in dealing with chronic disease and mental health
  • Reoccurring need for volunteers in “Saturday Clinic”
  • Those who do well in “Administrative” roles
  • Bi-lingual (preferred/not required) Ministering and evangelizing opportunities to those being checked into Bethesda.
  • Great training and experience for medical students
Breckenridge Village
Breckenridge Village
(903) 596-8100

Breckenridge Village of Tyler is dedicated to serving a group of amazing people, those with intellectual and developmental disabilities, in a warm, safe, family-like setting that seeks to empower each person as he or she develops spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially in a safe, loving, and closely supervised environment

Celebrate Recovery

Contact: Marty Kennedy (903) 520-8713


Facebook/Instagram: @CRGREENACRES

Based on the truth of God’s word, GABC Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered recovery community. In our confidential, gender-specific, share groups—we encourage, support, and celebrate with one another on our journey to the freedom that can only be found in Jesus Christ from all types of hurts, habits, or hang-ups.

Weekly Schedule

We meet every Monday at the Green Acres 110 student Center

6pm- Family Meal-Donation Based

7pm- Large Group-Worship-Teach CR Lesson or CR Testimony

8pm-Gender based small groups

5-7pm-Setup-Food Prep-Serve Meal


Looking for strategic partnership with individuals from our family at GABC

Donations to support weekly meals for about 100 people

Standing Service Opportunities

  • Open invitation to participate in Monday night services
  • Food prep
  • Serving
  • Clean up
  • Greeting
  • Building relationships
  • Available training to become CR leaders

Upcoming Opportunities:

  • Weekly Monday evening serve times 5-7pm
  • November 21st Community Outreach Dinner.
    • We need additional help this night with greeters and servers
Christian Women’s Job Corps



CWJC is focused on equipping women with job skills and life skills in a Christ-centered environment. They have a 12-week Employment Readiness Program that is offered twice per year during spring and fall semesters. It is available to women who are at least 18 years of age, have a high school diploma or GED, and a desire to develop skills for employment. The purpose is to equip women for life and employment.


  • Bring a meal and fellowship with the students and staff
  • Employment coaches, teachers, and receptionists
  • Mentors
  • Conducting devotional – bilingual is a plus
Disaster Relief
Disaster Relief
(903) 571-9494

A strategic disaster relief deployment group that is willing and able to respond to Crisis situations both locally and nationally. 


In need of volunteers willing to serve locally and nationally

Standing Service Opportunities:

  • Offsite: Deploys trained personnel—(Yellow Cap=basic training to assist: Blue Cap= Extensive training to lead) through TBM (SBC chapter)—to disaster relief sites to serve first responders and National Guard. 
  • Onsite: has service day every 2nd and 4th Saturday @ Church under the Bridge, offers shower and laundry service (2-4 people, no training required, great family opportunity) In 4—2  hour shifts.
Hope Haven
Hope Haven
(430) 235-2032

Providing a stable and safe environment for abused and neglected girls (ages 13-17) within the Foster Care system as well as, a safe haven for girls who have “aged out” of foster care at Oak Haven (ages 18-21)


  • Limited resources and personnel for “high-risk” girls in Foster care
  • Lack of mentors for both younger and older girls

Standing Service Opportunities:

  • Men and Women: Workday-maintenance and upkeep around the property (no training required)
  • Women Mentors for “aged out” girls at Oak Haven (no training)
  • In House training for willing CG Volunteer to mentor at risk girls (the rest of the group would fall under that trained persons umbrella) training dates offered 5x’s a year 
  • Trained social workers, job-training opportunities for College/Grads students
  • Lay Persons or Ministers who have a passion for evangelism: opportunity to train staff on how to effectively present the Gospel to these girls
Mentoring Alliance



The Mentoring Alliance exists to mobilize godly people into the lives of kids and families, to provide tangible help and eternal hope. Their primary goal is for every child who experiences their mentoring programs to develop three important aspects: vibrant faith, academic success, and emotional resilience.


  • Become a mentor to a child in a fatherless home.
  • Help with summer camps, afterschool programs, and mentor connect.
  • Have your Connect Group build relationships with the MA Staff.
Prison Ministry
Prison Outreach

The Smith County Juvenile Services Department, with participation and involvement of the community, PROTECTS AND SERVES both juvenile offenders and the community:

  • By screening, investigating, supervising, counseling and referring for services all juveniles involved in law violations.
  • By providing detention that is safe, secure and nurturing for juveniles who must remain in custody.
  • To instill respect, discipline, achievement and responsibility in the youth of our community ensuring citizen safety and security. 


Breaking generational cycles of incarceration.

Standing Service Opportunities: (must have background check to participate)

  • Mentor and discipleship of both boys and girls–activities include:
    • Teaching basic life skills (TBD by the CG’s in coordination with the Warden and Chaplain)
    • Gardening (facility has gardening plots)
    • Participation in vocational training (facility has their own shops and tools)
      • Wood work
      • Small and Large engine Mechanics
      • Welding and Metal Work
    • Connect Groups would be allowed to teach bible studies on Sunday mornings and other days throughout the week
    • Bring special lunches
  • Mentor and Discipleship of parents
    • CG’s can help host court-ordered parenting and financial classes on GABC campus for parents to participate in order to help break the generational incarceration cycle
    • Help get them plugged into a Connect Group and build stability
Refuge of Light
Refuge of Light

To provide a long term safe haven, redemptive rescue, and restoration for  exploited female youth (18-21) who have aged out of the foster care system; through advocacy, awareness and Spiritually holistic care.


Lack of volunteers willing to be engaged with kids both in and out of the system.

Standing Service Opportunities:

  • Safe Home: (aged out women ages 18-21)
    • Mainly need manual labor for the facility
    • Need mentor women willing to: 
      • Show how to walk through a job interview process (what to say, what to wear)
      • Willing to be available for phone conversations (just to answer the everyday life questions)
  • Brave Girl Mentoring Program: (Girl Minors still in the system ages 10-18)
    • Mentor Women willing to: 
      • teach life skills 
      • build relationships
  • Brave-Heart Mentoring program: (Boy Minors still in the system, partnered with Hearts-Way)
    • Mentor Men willing to:
      • Teach life skills (change a tire, change oil in a car, jumpstart a vehicle, something simple and useful–open to suggestions)
      • Build relationships
      • Facility needs a facelift (paint and upkeep)
School Outreach

School Outreach

GABC has been engaged in school outreach for over ten years.  We currently have volunteers and Connect Groups serving Tyler ISD at Dixie Elementary, Peete Elementary and DAEP (Alternative Campus) and also collaborate with a community-wide group of churches called Churches Serving Schools.


Provide much-needed encouragement to teachers, staff and students by helping in the classroom or cafeteria, providing treats or just modeling kindness for the students on campus.  All volunteers must complete a background check at

Standing Service Opportunities:

  • Reading/math help with small groups
  • Provide Scripture-based treats or notes of encouragement to teachers and staff
  • Help in the cafeteria during the lunch rush
  • Provide school supplies or other items needed by the campus

Standing Church Collection Items:

  • Toiletries and feminine products for high schools and middle schools (full or travel size):
  • Body wash
  • Toothbrushes
  • Toothpaste
  • Deodorant
  • Shampoo
  • Conditioner
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Underwear and socks for elementary schools;
  • Coats and shoes for all ages (high school included).
The Fostering Collective
Fostering Collective
(903) 253-9144

The Fostering Collective exists to recruit and shepherd Christ-centered families in East Texas to bring hope to children in foster care.


Lack of healthy Christ-centered families in East Texas, helping children in foster care.

Standing Service opportunities: 

  • Support those families that are fostering (Wrap Around)
  • Training for Certified Babysitters:
    • One day, personal information forms and background check (all available on the FC website)
  • 20 kids right now that need a family
Triumph Village, Tyler
Triumph Village – Hiway 80
(903) 759-8101

In 1955, the Hiway 80 Rescue Mission was established to provide food and shelter, and to share the gospel with homeless men, women and families in Longview. In Tyler, our newest facility is Triumph Village, opened in 2018, where we offer the New Creation Discipleship Program for men there now. This programis providing the opportunity for a new, Christ-centered, start in life for men whose lives have been derailed by alcohol abuse, drug abuse, or other destructive behaviors.


A lack of education and proper response on how to effectively minister to and help homeless men recover their lives from addiction and other destructive behaviors.

Standing Service Opportunities:

  • Spiritual Mentors and Sponsors 
    • (Preferably those who have gone through recovery themselves)
    • Application and training required for both
  • Facility upkeep and maintenance: (no training required)
    • “Transition House” in need of TLC
    • An opportunity to work alongside these men
    • build relationships  
    • Introduce new skillsets
  • Always in need of donations with everyday essentials
    • Toiletries 
    • Laundry detergent
    • Clothing
    • Food donations
      • Canned goods/ None perishables
      • Also has walk in freezer for Perishable Items
  • Great facility with plenty of room to host fun Men’s Events
    • Cornhole tournaments (covered outdoor facility)
    • Has their own BBQ Pit/ Smoker
    • Hold Bible studies and lunches (has a great Indoor Kitchen facility)
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