Tyler Campus MDWK Schedule
Spring 2025 - See class descriptions below
Kidz Praise
Wednesdays – 6-7pm in the Lighthouse
Starts January 15
Kidz Praise is an exciting place for kids to learn about the heart of worship. Through music and scripture, we worship our Savior each week. Kidz Praise is for 3 years old (as of September 1) – 5th grade! We meet on Wednesday nights from 6:00 – 7:00pm.
Rooted Girls Bible Study
1st Wednesday of the month – 5:30-6:15pm in the Student Center
Starts January 15
Rooted Girls Bible Study is the 1st Wednesday of each month, a great opportunity for 6-12th grade girls that begins January 15 from 5:30-6:15pm at the Student Center. Led by Meghan Goad, Girls Minister, this is a great time to hang with friends, dive into God’s Word, and make fun crafts.
Student MDWK
Wednesdays – 6-7:30pm in the Student Center
Starts January 15
Student MDWK is a weekly opportunity for all 6-12th grade students that begins January 15 from 6:00-7:30pm at the Student Center. Come hang out with friends, worship, learn Biblical truths, and get recharged. The Corner snack area is available for students who want to purchase pizza, Chick Fil A sandwiches or other snacks before the programs begin. (Please check our Instagram for weekly updates.)
Tuesdays – 6:15-8pm in the Basement
Starts January 14
Echo is our night of worship for College Students and Young Professionals! We gather together for free dinner in the Basement at 6:15pm, and then move to the Chapel for a time of worship through singing and teaching from God’s word.
Celebrate Recovery
Mondays – 6-9pm in the Student Center
Celebrate Recovery is a safe place to find community and freedom from our hurts, habits and hang-ups. We meet every Monday, including holidays in the GABC 110 Student Center – 6pm Dinner, 7pm Large Group, 8pm Gender based small groups. Go to www.celebraterecoverygabc.com for more information.
Divorce Care Class
Wednesdays – 6pm in LH 350
Starts January 15
A women’s Divorce Care Class will begin on Wednesday, January 15, facilitated by Mavita Markle. This class meets weekly at 6pm in Lighthouse, Room 350. Divorce Care’s life-changing support groups welcome people and guide them on the path of recovery after separation or divorce. For more information, contact Mavita at mavitamarkle@gmail.com. Online class registration closes September 5.
Women’s Divorce Care | GABC Portal
Financial Peace University
Wednesdays – 5:30pm in LH 354
Starts January 15
You work way too hard to be this broke! Now is the time to take back control of your money, and that starts by taking Financial Peace University. Visit FPU.com/05DD13 to join the class at Green Acres, facilitated by Skyla Bradley. It begins on Wednesday, January 15, 2025, at 5:30 pm in Lighthouse, Room 354. Start making your money work for you! Call Skyla at 903-279-2276 if you have any questions.
Wednesdays – 6-7:30pm in LH 375
Starts January 15
GriefShare is a group grief support study. GriefShare uses a workbook with a DVD and group discussion on a weekly basis. This group begins on January 15 and runs through April 16. The group meets in Lighthouse 375 from 6-7:30pm. Register at www.gabc.org. Cost is $20 for the workbook. Call Amy Cummins at 903-533-1817 with any questions.
GriefShare Fall 2024 | GABC Portal
Highest Praise
Tuesdays –1:30-2:30pm in the Choir Room
Starts January 14
Are you 55 or older and love to sing? This choir is for you. Weekly rehearsals are Tuesdays in the Choir room from 1:30-2:30pm.
Wednesdays – 6pm in AMB
Starts February 19
The ReΙEngage marriage experience is part of the overall Marriage Equipping Strategy at Green Acres! It represents a unique approach and is a safe place for married couples of all ages to grow and enjoy their marriage. Whether your marriage needs to be refreshed, reignited or completely resurrected, ReΙEngage is a safe place for you and your spouse to reconnect. This ministry offers hope to marriages, making bad marriages GOOD, good marriages GREAT, and great marriages LEGENDARY, through small groups, teaching and stories of hope. Come make lifelong friends at ReΙEngage!
ReΙEngage will start February 19 through May 14 from 6-7:30pm on Wednesday nights in our Adult Ministry Building (AMB). Cost is $30 per couple (two workbooks) for the semester 12 weeks. Childcare is available. Registration opens 1/1/2025, For more information, email Hixon Frank at Hixon@gabc.org
Wednesdays – 6:30-7:30pm in WC 150
Weekly rehearsal for the Sunday Worship Service in WC 150 from 6:30-7:30pm. To join, come to rehearsal and meet the director, Billy Bob Dempsey. Childcare available.
Precept Bible Study
Sundays – 5:30-7:30pm in LH 360
Starts January 26
Join as we study Romans. In the United States we live under a Constitution that defines our nation for over 200 years. In the Precept Bible study, we tackle the Constitution of our faith-Romans. Paul wrote about every important doctrine of this faith of ours. Do you know them and can explain them simply? If not come join us for this in-depth study.
Email George Squibb at gjsquibb@embarqmail.com for more details. Sunday evenings from 5:30-7:30 pm starting January 26 in Lightroom 360.
Senior Adult Wednesday Morning Bible Study
Wednesdays – 10-11am in Crosswalk C
Join the senior adults every Wednesday for Bible study, led by Ken Warren from 10-11am in Crosswalk C (above the café). 15% discount on lunch specials at the Connections Café afterwards. No registration – just show up and be ready to learn.
WEBS (Wednesday Evening Bible Study)
Wednesdays – 6-6:30pm in Crosswalk A
Starts January 15
Join us Wednesdays from 6-6:30pm for a 30-minute deep dive into Theology. See you in Crosswalk starting January 15.
Wednesday Evening Prayer Meeting
Wednesdays – 6-7pm in LH 370
Starts January 15
Join us in a weekly time of prayer every Wednesday. Each week, we will have a short training, then lead into prayer time, covering the needs of the church, each ministry, and the members of the church. Encourage others to join in this special prayer time. Wednesdays from 6-7pm in Lighthouse 370 led by Brett Cavett.
Worship Choir
Wednesdays – 6:30-7:30pm in the Choir Room
Starts January 15
Weekly rehearsal for the Sunday Worship Choir in the Choir room from 6:30-7:30pm. There is no audition to join. We do ask for you to arrive by 6:15 so our greeters may assist you with registration. Childcare available.
Tuesday Morning Bible Study
Tuesdays – 9:30-11:30am in the Lighthouse, 3rd Floor
Starts January 28
Choose from a variety of Bible studies, all designed to deepen your relationship with Jesus. Starts September 17, 9:30-11:30am, Lighthouse 3rd floor. Click here for more information and registration. Childcare is available.
The Bible Recap Discussion Group
Wednesdays – 6-7pm in LH 373
Starts January 15
Join others who want to know God better and read His Word with The Bible Recap Discussion Guide. Specially written to spark meaningful conversations, it follows the same chronological reading plan as The Bible Recap podcast and book. These questions will lead you to a deeper understanding of the Bible’s narrative and how God’s character is revealed throughout Scripture. Together you’ll find that He’s where the joy is! Lighthouse 373 6-7:00pm. – Register at greenacreswomen.org/biblestudy Childcare is available.
Unshakable: A Study of Identity
Wednesdays – 6-7:30pm in LH 371
Starts January 29
Your identity is one of the most important things you can discover. How you see your identity will affect your perspective on relationships, the world, your purpose, your behavior, and so much more. While there aren’t any quick fix answers, the Bible provides the framework with which you can develop your identity as a Christian. In Unshakeable, A study of Identity, Part Four, we answer the question now what? How does God call us to function in the world? If our identity doesn’t inform our day-to-day lives, how we interact with those around us, and how we handle challenges, is it really our identity? Fortunately, the Bible explores these questions.
As we walk through chapters in Ephesians and Daniel, we will look at the writing of Paul and a group of friends in the Old Testament who were a great example of staying true to their identity. Lighthouse 371 6-7:30pm. Register at greenacreswomen.org/biblestudy Childcare is available.
Fully Devoted- Tuesday
Tuesdays – 6:30-8pm in LH 361
Starts January 28
Not every believer in Christ is a true disciple. Though salvation is a gift from God, being a disciple of Jesus includes a radical willingness to give Him everything. This powerful, 8-session study will take you on a journey through Jesus’s invitation to come to Him as you are, trust Him with your faith, surrender to Him with your heart, follow Him with your life, and then intentionally make disciples of others. Lighthouse 361 6:30-8pm. Register at greenacreswomen.org/biblestudy Childcare is available.
Fully Devoted- Sunday
Tuesdays – 6:30-8pm in LH 371
Starts February 2
Not every believer in Christ is a true disciple. Though salvation is a gift from God, being a disciple of Jesus includes a radical willingness to give Him everything. This powerful, 8-session study will take you on a journey through Jesus’s invitation to come to Him as you are, trust Him with your faith, surrender to Him with your heart, follow Him with your life, and then intentionally make disciples of others. Lighthouse 371 5:30-7pm. Register at greenacreswomen.org/biblestudy Childcare is available.
MOMS at Night
1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month – 6-8pm in WC 150
Starts January 14
MOMS @ Night is for mothers of kids aged birth through preschool. Come enjoy dinner, uninterrupted conversation, moms night out, encouraging/helpful speakers, playdates & more! Starts Tuesday, September 3, meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month, 6-8pm, WC 150. Register: https://greenacreswomen.org/moms/ Childcare is available.
1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month – 9:30-11:30am in WC 150
Starts January 15
MOMS Morning is for mothers of kids aged birth through preschool. Come enjoy hot coffee, breakfast, uninterrupted conversation, encouraging/ helpful speakers, moms night outs, playdates & more! Starts Wednesday, September 4, meets 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month, 9:30-11:30am, WC 150. Register: https://greenacreswomen.org/moms/ Childcare is available.
MOMS- Square One
Tuesdays – 9:30-11:30am in LH 351
Starts January 28
Are you a first-time mom with a newborn baby 6 months or younger? Join us for our 6-week class designed just for you!
Newborn babies don’t come with a manual and mothers aren’t meant to manage this challenging season in isolation. Square One offers encouragement, teaching, and connections with other first-time moms. Our mentors have experienced this season and are here to cheer you on in this new journey of motherhood. Meets Tuesday 9:30-11:30am, LH 351. Register: https://greenacreswomen.org/moms/
May Bible Study Tuesday Morning & Evening Bible Study
Tuesdays – 9:30-11:30am & 6:30-8pm in WC 150
Starts May 6
Cultivate a passionate practice or prayer! A 4-week study in prayer.
Prayer is hard. Harder than it seems it should be. We are busy, distracted, and unsure if our time spent in prayer is actually amounting to anything. We want to have a vibrant, passionate prayer life, but instead we may have one that is cold and apathetic. What is the cure for this? It is a true, biblical understanding of prayer. Starts May 6, 9:30-11:00 am, & 6:30-8pm, WC 150. More information and registration: https://greenacreswomen.org/biblestudy/ Childcare is available.
Men’s Midweek Bible Study
Wednesdays – 6-7pm in WC 140 Suite
Starts January 15
Join other men every Wednesday in the Worship Center Building (WC), rooms in the 140 Suite, from 6-7 PM for bible study and fellowship. Begins on January 15.
Don’t have time to feed the family before heading to church? Head to the Connections Café for our mid-week meal, available from 4:45-6pm. See the weekly menu.
Flint Campus MDWK Classes
Kids MDWK – Begins January 15
Kids MDWK is a weekly opportunity for all our kids ministry 1-5th grade students that begins January 15 from 6:00-7:00pm at the Flint Campus. Come hang out with friends, worship with Kids Praise and learn Biblical truths.
Student MDWK – Begins January 15
Student MDWK is a weekly opportunity for all 6-12th grade students that begins January 15 from 6:00-7:00pm at the Flint Campus. Come hang out with friends, worship, learn Biblical truths, and get recharged.
Men’s Study- Begins January 15
Our Men’s study is a weekly opportunity for men that begins January 15 from 6:00-7:00pm at the Flint Campus. The Men’s Study is a time for men to study God’s Word together and discuss how to apply it to their lives.
Women’s Study- Begins January 15
Our Women’s study is a weekly opportunity for women that begins January 15 from 6:00-7:00pm at the Flint Campus. The Women’s Study is a time for ladies to study God’s Word together and discuss how to apply it to their lives.