The desire of our ministry is to train students to be passionate worshippers of God. There are four choirs and ensembles: Elevate Choir and Vertical Praise Ensemble for grades 6-8, and Praise Alive Choir and Alpha Chi Ensemble, for grades 9-12.
Both middle school and high school choirs are involved in local concerts and mission projects throughout the year. Students have the privilege of leading worship Sunday mornings quarterly and participating in an annual mission trip during the summer. We have partnered with churches for backyard VBS, homeless ministries, construction projects, food banks, and prayer booths. Our Elevate mission trip tends to be within the state in locations like Houston, Austin, and San Antonio over the course of a long weekend. Our week-long Praise Alive mission trip takes place in locations such as Washington D.C., St. Louis, Los Angeles, Knoxville, and Colorado Springs.
Student Choirs meet on Sunday afternoons from 5:30-7:00 p.m. in the main Worship Center building. Elevate rehearses in WC150, and Praise Alive rehearses in the Choir Room. For information regarding middle school choir ministry, call Emily Estes at 903-525-1147. For more information regarding high school choir ministry, call Kelvin Reed or Lauren Fehlis at 903-525-1114.