A Note from Michael Gossett
Dr. Michael Gossett


The history of Israel is full of cycles of different seasons. There were seasons of heartache, followed by seasons of rebellion, trailed by seasons of great triumph, obedience, and faithfulness.  Israel was reminded over and over again to celebrate what God had done, and would continue to do, in the life of His Chosen people. The Jewish Festivals were designed to help the people remember God’s blessings and provision. The Sabbath Day was designed to help His people rest weekly and to remember. It was to be a celebration of remembrance. When the Israelites gave generously for the building of the First Temple, King David praised God for His provision, His goodness, and His power.  

1 Chronicles 29 gives us a unique look at what was taking place in the life of Israel. There was a need for people to give to build the Temple, and that need was met and exceeded.  David speaks about how the task is great, but God is bigger! How often I think about the task in front of me instead of remembering the greatness of God that is over me. This is something for us to remember as a church.  I believe God is calling us to bigger and greater things so that we can secure hope in Christ for generations to come. This is what Israel was doing. It required everyone’s involvement and commitment.

Here is what David said about giving. 1 Chronicles 29:3 says, “Moreover, because of my delight in the house of my God, I now give my personal treasures of gold and silver for the house of my God over and above all that I’ve provided for the holy house.” What an incredible thought! Because of our delight in the Lord, we give to the Lord. Then it says in verse 9: “Then the people rejoiced because of their leaders’ willingness to give, for they had given to the Lord wholeheartedly. King David also rejoiced greatly.” That is the same reason why we celebrate.  We can celebrate because the leaders are giving wholeheartedly, the people are giving wholeheartedly, and we are able to rejoice in the Lord because it is all about our worship and our trust in the one living God!

Then, King David and the people of God recognized that the only reason they were able to be generous and celebrate in worship was because God Himself supplied the needs. Consider verses 12-14: “Riches and honor come from you, and you are the ruler of everything. Power and might are in your hand, and it is in your hand to make great and to give strength to all. Now therefore, our God, we give you thanks and praise your glorious name. But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? For everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your own hand.” Wow…. Our celebration of what “we” give, and what “we” build is simply a reminder that God does it all!

This May, Green Acres crossed 69 years of faithful ministry. Today, we are standing on the shoulders of giants who gave before we gave, served before we served, and built before we built. These giants evangelized, invited, sacrificed, and BELIEVED! What an incredible thought and reason for us to celebrate God’s goodness. Now, it is our turn to build the next 70 years of ministry. In 1955, the people who gave and supported the ministry of Green Acres Baptist Church were planting trees from which they would never personally enjoy shade. This is why we have reason to celebrate. It would be very easy for us to just enjoy the shade from these trees planted generations before us, or we can get out in the sun and continue planting trees.

I believe you are planting new trees. The ministry of Green Acres is still strong because of you. The giving of Green Acres to missions, the Cooperative Program, Annie Armstrong, Lottie Moon, church planting, and local missions is still strong. Praise God for His goodness to continue to provide for us. We are also celebrating a small but “GREAT” milestone in opening a brand-new playground beside the Connections Café. This playground was built because of your sacrificial giving. This playground is going to continue to provide safe places for our kids to connect to Christ and to connect to one another. It gives a space for families with children to connect to one another for biblical community. It provides an opportunity for relationships to be built and strengthened, and this is what is needed most today! We must continue to make spaces on campus for the body of Christ to grow and strengthen one another. We need to celebrate this new space and praise God for His provision.

However, the work for us is just beginning. The upgraded Connection Suite, where thousands of people have already come through to make a decision for Christ, join our church family, or simply pray together, is a prime example. The Connection Suite upgrade, the new playground, and the upgrades in the foyer, which are currently in progress, are all for the mission to reach more people for Jesus and help them connect to other believers. These improvements are only the beginning of what is needed at our church. I want you to start praying now on how you can be involved in securing the next 70 years of ministry through Green Acres Baptist Church. Here are some needed projects that I would like for you pray about:

  • New Preschool Ministry Space
  • New Family Life Center to expand our sports ministry
  • Renovations at the Student Center to meet the needs of the growing Middle School and High School ministry
  • Foyer upgrades to maximize connections and maintain a welcoming space for guests
  • Worship Center Upgrades to maximize ministry and continue to foster growth
  • Flint Campus expansion to help maximize growth
  • Green Acres Outdoor Recreation space upgrades and expansion to maximize ministry efforts to the growing outdoor sports leagues

There are other ongoing projects that we can list, but I want you to start praying now about how the Lord will provide for these current needs so that we can celebrate God’s goodness and provision! It is our turn to take the torch and secure the next seasons of ministry at GABC.

This week, we are studying “A Greater Calling” in Hebrews 10:19-25. We are all called to participate in Kingdom work and Kingdom advancement. How is this accomplished? Come worship with us and hear God’s word together.



VBS is fast-approaching!  June 3-6!  Register your kids!  Invite your friends & neighbors! Click to register

Sunday, May 19, is the registration deadline for High School & Middle School Camps.   Email Kurt Fehlis if you know someone who needs financial assistance, or if you’d like to offer assistance for a camper. Click to register


I cannot wait to worship with you this Sunday!

You are loved and prayed for!

Michael Gossett